Why us?

Today, bunker end-users have to stay alert to crude fluctuations and be aware of frequent changes. They need to analyse daily news from numerous sources. They have to prepare and present more information in order to obtain bunker (marine fuels) financing, and they must know the counterparties. Shipping companies have to do all this while running their ships in an even more regulated and competitive business environment. Then, necessary questions arise:

Does the new bunker buyer have the necessary trusted and tested network?

Can the bunker buyer really keep up and cover the market with all these tasks and swift changes?

Sophisticated and experienced buyers may buy bunker fuels an average 3% cheaper than their unsophisticated competitors. And, as the numbers of unknowns increase, that could rise to be 5% cheaper.


Revolutionize the way marine fuels are transacted


To provide the best deal for the buyers, sellers and the re-sellers of marine fuel and related products. Plugging gaps in information and knowledge to achieve maximum efficiency
